Monday, August 07, 2006


This is one of my favorite poems, and one of the first written. It won the Critics Choice award and has been published in The International Library of Poetry, TIMELESS VOICES volume. It is not my intention to disparage poets that write poems that don't rhyme, many have achieved great fame and success. I simply prefer poems that rhyme.


I’ve oft wondered why some spend their time
Composing poems that do not rhyme
I shouldn’t, but I do suppose
Why don’t they just write prose?
I should be polite and try not slam them
But try as I might I just can’t understand them
So if you can’t make it rhyme don’t be contrary
Just buy a rhyming dictionary
In which the word ORANGE won’t be found
Cause nothing rhymes with that sound
Give it a try, don’t be confounded
If you can’t make it rhyme, just work around it
Give me a break, it’s not mind bending
You simply don’t put ORANGE at the ending
Now you can join my new Society
Called Down With Non-Rhyming Poetry!

By Sue Raymer Woods
April 17, 2005

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